Crazy good blogs about the mind

Figured I’d get around to doing my homework.  Here are a few blogs my law school prof thought were interesting.  Mind you, I didn’t just take take on his authority that they’re interesting. I did some checking up and marked the uninspired ones in a secret way that only you – my faithful, occasional dropped-in-by-freak-accident readers, will know. So here we are…

OK, let’s start with Neuronarrative. As the name clearly indicates, it’s a barrel of fun.   Seriously though, the blog is very accessible to regular people (e.g. me); the scientific stuff only comes in once in a while (where necessary) and when it does, it is usually preceded by a layperson’s description of what’s going on.  The blog is authored by David DiSalvo.  Despite the name, it features posts that are mostly about psychology, and specifically how it illuminates particularly confusing aspects of our lives.

Next, we have NeuroPhilosophy.  Authored by a self-described “neuroscientist by training and [] writer by inclination,” this blog offers an interesting discussion on psychology neuroscience.  Gotta note, this blog is much more comfortable being “sciency.” Frequent use of words like “synaesthesia” and “rheus prefrontal” might turn off some readers, but for others (me), it creates a sort of irresistible credibility associated with white-coats.

Onwards [and upwards?] orgtheory is a very minimalist blog, at least in presentation.  But you’ll find plenty of content, though.  It’s authored by a team of 9 bloggers, so there’s no shortage of styles.   Generally, the posts are either really short or respectable length. The short ones are announcements, jabs, quick reflections, usually the stuff you would tell your acquantances, and with no particular dominating theme.  The longer ones are also all over the place in terms of topics, but decidedly philosophical.  An interesting combination: I think the short posts do well to make readers feel as if they are part of a small community of clever and funny  people.

overcomingbias is another group blog. This one focuses on biases, all kinds of them: global (like overconfidence) or specific (e.g. of a racial variety). The prerogative, though, is as much on strategies for relieving other people of their biases (which we are all so good at noticing), as it is on uncovering biases. Strangely, the blog’s banner image is a striking portrayal of Ulysses and the Sirens.  Not sure about the relevance. I’ll probably be trying to figure it out for the next couple days. Sirens – biases – sirens – biases- sirens – biases… I must be missing some major piece of the argonaut’s story.

Pooh’s Think is another interesting one.  I should note that the author, Michal Metzler,  seems to be hidingintroductory info about the blog. Even on a semi-introductory page, I couldn’t quite get an overview.  May be that’s the point, in the recent posts, he covers linguistics, sexim, global warming, creationism, etc.  (i.e. whatever the author seems interested in). Best post: youtube of interviews at Sarah Palin’s book signing. Good stuff.

Project Implicit blogs about subconscious mental processes.  Really cool stuff as far as I’m concerned: it’s the thinking our brains do without telling us.  The blog explores the presence and effects of implicit cognition on gender-relations, race-relations, religion, etc.  Here’s a titillating example: how did implicit steriotypes impact the 2008 election?

That’s it for now, kids. Signing off. aa

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